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    6 Reasons To Add Interactive Content to Your Content Marketing Arsenal

    Everyone knows how amazing it feels to stop for a moment and take a personality quiz found on social media.

    Also, interacting with a fun graphic simply lightens the mood in a matter of seconds.

    That’s the magic of interactive content.

    6 Reasons To Add Interactive Content to Your Content Marketing Arsenal

    Interactive content can not only help businesses reach their audience but also attract new audiences, as well as retain current users with personalizing experiences that are delivered to desired demographics.

    Did you know 90% of marketers believe interactive content distinguishes their brand from competitors[i]?

    It means interactive content helps businesses gain more engagement on social media, promote their products to new audiences, and whatnot.

    In the article, you will learn what interactive content is, the benefits of interactive content, and the different types of interactive content you can create for better engagement.

    What is Interactive Content?

    Interactive content calls and persuades its viewers to engage or interact with the content. This content type transforms customer experience from passive consumption to active engagement.

    For instance, LivePerson[ii], a global technology firm that develops conversational commerce and AI software, has used interactive content to refine and research specific customer needs creatively.

    Therefore, the interactive content remains powerful. It creates the best results due to the following three reasons:

    • The online world is full of content. And the only people who care about content are content marketers. The customers don’t hunt for content. They want answers. Therefore, interacting or discussing the solutions to their problems through content is what they want.
    • Mobile users want convenience and expect interactivity. Apps seem more engaging than web pages on mobiles. They explain everything in short.
    • The audience wants to interact. They want to understand everything in one go. And a compelling and interactive conversation is a fine way to do so.

    The Benefits of Interactive Content

    Here are some notable benefits of interactive content:

    1. Increased User Engagement

    Interactive content engages the audience with an open communication medium rather than just reading it. Conveying a message through passive content is no longer helpful as readers judge the content only in 8 seconds[iii].

    Also, 60% of organizations using interactive content saw an increase in their efficiency[iv].

    2. Improved SEO Results

    Interactive content allows visitors to stay on a website for a long time and talk about it. In short, it leads to word-of-mouth promotion. Using engaging content helps you improve the time people spend on a page.

    Time on the page includes encouraging a reader to spend around 6-7 minutes reading a 1000-word article. It is possible only with quality and compelling content. Interactivity sends better signals of quality to the audience and search engines.

    3. Reduced Bounce Rates

    Visitors love to read content that entices them and delivers something of their interest. But the way content writers pen it down creates a difference. Fruitful storytelling plays a vital role here, leading to a low bounce rate of nearly 20% to 40%[v].

    4. Increased Leads

    Developing interactive content leads to more engagement and leads. The audience is more willing to share information with organizations that cover the extra mile to generate content that is genuinely engaging and helpful.

    5. Increased Quality Backlinks

    Backlinks are imperative because when other websites with high-quality content link to yours, search engines consider it a vote of confidence and boost your ranking.

    But how to generate the best-quality backlinks?

    An excellent way to supercharge your link-building efforts is by publishing engaging and interactive content that others sites want to share with their audience.

    6. Enhanced Customer Awareness

    Compelling content is helpful for educational purposes. Content marketers include prospects’ pain points while creating interactive content and provide them with possible solutions, which help them engage and become cognizant of the products they need.

    The Different Types of Interactive Content That Drive Better Engagement

    Interactive content is about the experience you create for your audience and not just the words you use. Here are different content types that are easy to generate and drive better engagement:

    • Interactive Infographics
    • People love visuals and colors. Infographics with interactive language easily draw viewers’ attention looking for your services. For instance, Optum. It is a health service and technology organization that connects medical experts with patients through their health management systems. They created an interactive infographic that permitted users to dig deep and download supplemental content throughout the outlined stages while switching from a fee-for-service model to fee-for-value.

    • Interesting Surveys and Polls
    • Polls and surveys provide a tried-and-true tactic for attracting your customers. This content style facilitates feedback and captures user data. LinkedIn is the best social media platform people often vote on.

    • Personalized Assessments and Quizzes
    • This type includes a self-assessment or a short quiz that helps brands benchmark the strength of their content operation against industry standards.

    • Interactive White Papers, Reports, and eBooks
    • eBook holds information in detail and engages the audience with solutions it provides. Similarly, reports and whitepapers are informative and remain the efficient forms of content used in B2B campaigns.

    Wrapping Up

    If you want to increase your traffic, interactivity will be the key factor in convincing your audience to engage and keep coming back. And with the power of dynamic visuals and real-time interactions, the possibilities are endless.

    The world needs instant results, and interactive content does the job perfectly for a deeper connection with your audience. Every business wants the best outcomes and interactivity is the solution.

    Creating interactive content is not a tough nut to crack. You just need the right tools. Should you need any help with content strategy, just drop us a line at [email protected] and we will take it from there.

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