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    Community Talks Ep 10: Winning Your Customers by Mastering the Art of Social Care

    With the digital landscape changing and support taking the front gear, social has emerged as a channel for your customers to engage with your brand. The savvy users of today expect an immediate response to their queries, thus, brands have to craft robust social listening strategies that cater to these altering customer demands effectively.

    In this episode of community talks, our speakers share their take on the importance of adopting a customer-first approach through social listening and how social customer care allows you to engage your customers through a high volume of social conversations.


    What you’ll learn:

    • The impact of social listening on brands
    • Importance of a social listening platform and its ‘must-have’ features
    • What should brands do to gauge the benefits of social listening
    • Expert tips to build a robust social care strategy and unify customer experiences

    Featured Speakers

    Explore the full potential of online communities with Grazitti’s community experts. Click here to know more about our online community services and our CMaaS offerings.