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    Our Valued Customers

    Our Valued Customers

    Online Community Services We Offer

    Have a Community Use Case? Talk to us!


    Our Community Management as a Service (CMaaS) Offerings

    and Design
    and support
    and reporting


    Case Studies

    Enhancing User Experience With Swift Migration From Jive to Salesforce
    swift migration
    Swift Migration of Massive Data from vBulletin to InSided Platform
    Migrating Customer Community from Jive-x to Lithium (Now Khoros) and Ensuring a Smooth Onboarding
    Customizing MadCap Themes for a Community Knowledge Base

    From Our Blog

    Decoding Community ROI: Need of the Hour – Chapter Rewind

    Have you ever wondered if your online co...

    04 Jul 2024 in Communities
    How to Enable Quick Case Escalation In Your Khoros Community?

    Community managers know that the success...

    04 Jul 2024 in Communities, Khoros
    Supercharging Community Productivity With Slack AI

    From brand-owned to member-centric, onli...

    07 Jun 2024 in Communities
    Visit Our Blog

    Our Community-Specific Products

    Marketing 1

    Khoros – Salesforce® Case Connector:

    Improve Self-Service On Your Online Communities With Khoros-Salesforce Case Connector
    • Easy Case Escalation
    • Administrative Control
    • Seamless Data Sync
    • Hassle-Free Case Management
    • Suggestive Search
    • Partners Support
    Marketing 2

    Salesforce® Knowledge – Khoros connector:

    Enrich the Content on Your Khoros-Powered Community
    • Seamless Synchronization
    • Real-time Syncing
    • Article Mapping
    • Viewing Rights
    • Mass Synchronization
    Marketing 3

    Higher Logic – Salesforce® Case Connector:

    Bridge The Gap Between Your Community User And Support Team:
    • Suggestive Case Search
    • Smoother Case Management
    • Easier Case Escalation
    • Administrative Control
    • Exclusive Support For Premium User
    Marketing 4

    Quickstart Communities:

    Get Custom Salesforce® Communnities That:
    • Can Be Up and Running in Just Two Weeks
    • Have Responsive Design
    • Come In Several Predefined Layouts

    How Our Connectors Work

    Ks Connector
    Khoros-Salesforce® Case Connector
    Sk Cooenctor
    Salesforce® Knowledge and Khoros Connector
    HS Connctor
    Higher Logic – Salesforce® Case Connector

    From Our Blog

    Decoding Community ROI: Need of the Hour – Chapter Rewind

    Have you ever wondered if your online co...

    04 Jul 2024 in Communities
    How to Enable Quick Case Escalation In Your Khoros Community?

    Community managers know that the success...

    04 Jul 2024 in Communities, Khoros
    Supercharging Community Productivity With Slack AI

    From brand-owned to member-centric, onli...

    07 Jun 2024 in Communities
    Visit Our Blog


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