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    Experience Versatile Data Synchronization

    Aligning two powerful platforms like Zendesk and Salesforce can be a game changer for an organization in terms of ROI.

    One of the main challenges that support teams face in delivering effective customer service is the lack of data transparency.

    When they use Salesforce and Zendesk separately, it results in the creation of data silos.

    To address these challenges, Team Grazitti has built the Zendesk-Salesforce connector.

    It seamlessly syncs data from Zendesk to Salesforce Service Cloud, keeping it secure every step of the way.

    The connector enables flexible scheduling of data sync according to your requirements, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

    Request a demo today to catch the Zendesk-Salesforce connector in action!

    Our product team will demonstrate its functionalities and address any queries you may have.

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