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      All You Need to Know About Migrating From Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud

      Jul 04, 2024

      3 minute read

      In the world of data analytics and business intelligence, Tableau has long been recognized as a powerful and user-friendly tool.

      On top of that, the worldwide Tableau Services Market is expected to grow annually by 5.8% from 2023 to 2030[i].

      For years, organizations have relied on Tableau Server to manage and share their data visualizations.

      However, as technology evolves, so do the demands of businesses. With technology introducing new dynamics and challenges, businesses are now compelled to seek more agile and scalable alternatives.

      Tableau Cloud has emerged as a new and enticing alternative, offering enhanced flexibility and ease of use.

      Migrating from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud represents more than just a technological transition; it’s a strategic leap toward unlocking unparalleled scalability, accessibility, and efficiency.


      In this blog post, we will explore the reasons for moving to Tableau Cloud and outline essential elements to consider during the migration process.

      Why Should You Move to Tableau Cloud?

      • Enhanced Flexibility: Tableau Cloud provides users with the freedom to access their data and visualizations from anywhere, at any time, through a web browser. This flexibility fosters collaboration and empowers remote teams, making it easier to share insights and make data-driven decisions.
      • Improved Scalability: Tableau Cloud eliminates the need for organizations to invest in expensive on-premises hardware and infrastructure. Instead, the cloud service takes care of resource allocation, ensuring that your analytics platform can scale effortlessly as your data needs grow.
      • Automatic Updates: With Tableau Cloud, you can say goodbye to the hassle of manual updates. Tableau takes care of all updates and patches, ensuring that your platform is always running on the latest version.
      • Cost Efficiency: Moving to Tableau Cloud can be more cost-effective for some organizations as it eliminates the need for upfront hardware costs and reduces the burden of IT maintenance.

      Things to Consider When Migrating from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud

      • Refreshing Data Extracts: Data refresh schedules are critical for ensuring that insights are based on the latest data. During the migration, it is essential to verify that all data connections are correctly configured and that data extracts are refreshing as expected in the Tableau Cloud environment.
      • Opening Workbooks: Workbooks containing visualizations and dashboards should open without any issues in Tableau Cloud. It is crucial to perform thorough testing to ensure that all workbooks are fully functional and maintain their original layout and interactivity.
      • Data Consistency: When migrating to Tableau Cloud, data integrity is of utmost importance. It is vital to cross-check and verify that workbooks display the same information in the cloud environment as they did on the Tableau Server.
      • User Experience: The user experience should remain seamless throughout the migration process. Testing should include various user scenarios to ensure that everyone can access and interact with the data as intended, without disruptions.

      How to Ensure a Successful Migration to Tableau Cloud

      • Discovery and Assessment: Begin the migration journey with a comprehensive assessment of your current Tableau Server environment. Identify critical workbooks, data sources, user access levels, and any specific configurations that need to be migrated to Tableau Cloud. This discovery phase will help you plan the migration effectively.
      • Planning: Create a detailed migration plan that outlines the steps, responsibilities, and timelines involved in the migration process. Collaborate with all stakeholders, including IT teams, data analysts, and end-users to ensure a smooth transition.
      • Migration: Execute the migration plan in a phased approach, starting with less critical workbooks and gradually moving towards the more complex ones. Monitor the migration closely and be prepared to address any unexpected challenges that may arise.
      • Test and Validation: Thoroughly test all components of Tableau Cloud to ensure that everything is functioning as expected. Engage end-users in the testing phase to collect feedback and implement any required changes.


      Migrating from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud can be a game-changer for organizations seeking increased flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency in their data analytics workflows. By carefully considering the elements to test during the migration process and following a well-structured approach, businesses can ensure a seamless transition to Tableau Cloud. Remember, seeking expert assistance for validation and guidance during the migration can significantly contribute to the success of your cloud journey.

      It’s Time to Start Your Cloud Journey! Let’s Talk!

      If you’re looking for help to validate your Tableau Cloud migration or need expert advice on the process, feel free to get in touch with our team of Tableau experts. Simply drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help. Happy migrating!

      Statistics Reference:

      [i] Benzinga

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