“A successful website does three things – it attracts the right kinds of visitors, guides them to the main services or product you offer, and collects contact details for future ongoing relations.” – Mohamed Saad.
And there’s no denying that!
A good website is your trump card to make a solid digital impression on your audience.
And in this era of decreasing attention span, it is key to ensure your website design not only conveys your products and services, but also reflects your values and brand.
While suggestions for website design advice are ubiquitous, some myths get added to the mix.

So, how do you differentiate its myths from facts to ensure that you achieve digital success?
Let us find out how.
Myth#1 – Good Website Design is Enough to Generate Traffic
Fact: Web design that looks good can be a benefit, but the design is not enough to generate traffic.
When you build a website, there are multiple factors to focus on – quality content, readability, navigation, site speed, and SEO to ensure that your website attracts, engages, and delights customers.
Myth #2 – Responsive Web Design isn’t Necessary
Fact: Responsive web design helps display a website perfectly on different devices. The world is saturated with devices, all ranging in size from smartphones to desktops, and every person is accessing the internet differently.
So, it becomes necessary to check the responsiveness of your web design because users’ proximity depends on it. Responsive design benefits your SEO while making it possible for users to easily access your site and the content regardless of the size of their screen.
Myth #3 – Home Page Matters the Most
Fact: It’s not always about the website homepage. Due to the paid links called by the users, people are unlikely to visit the website homepage. It’s important to have a consistent flow of design throughout the website for the visitors to stay.
Myth #4 – Website Completed = Task Completed!
Fact: Building your website is only half the battle won. Once your website is complete, you must ensure that your content is relevant, the website works well with SEO, and the UI/UX is top-notch.
Just as with any well-oiled machine, routine maintenance and update will always be necessary for optimal site performance.
Also, the latest SEO trends or needs of the customers can change, which is why it is important to conduct audits as well to understand any gap areas.
Myth #5 – Overload the Website With Content
Fact: Studies[i] show that if you put a lot of words on a page, users are actually less likely to be read than if you just put what’s really important.
The mantra for success ‘less is more’! That’s why you must ensure that your content is displayed in a way that looks minimalistic for users so that visitors are not overwhelmed.
Also, writing plagiarized content affects your site rankings, or it may even get blacklisted. So, avoid this at all costs. Content can make a huge difference for a visitor who is willing to become a customer. People are likely to buy products/services if the content is informative, crisp, and addresses your target audience’s needs or challenges.
Pro-Tips to Swear By:
- Stick with what is important.
- Have a clear call-to-action button that is placed at the right location.
Myth #6 – More Features = Happy Customers
Fact: Features and functions can enhance the performance of your website, but as the adage goes – “Too many cooks spoil the broth”! The same is true when it comes to your website design.
For instance, a corporate website is known for its authenticity and aesthetics. A clean and organized website with all the elements looks appealing to the users, but adding multiple features can make the navigation tricky. A well-structured website design can improve performance. Adding relevant features which align with your customer requirements and target audience is the way to go.
Myth #7 – Good Website Design is Expensive
Fact: It’s not true. A good design needn’t be expensive. There are so many content management systems such as – WordPress, Weebly, and many more which help you to get your web design template. A good website can be developed in a cost effective way, all you need is the right person for it.
Wrapping Up
In this digital age, website design can play a key role in converting your visitors into customers. So, you must go beyond these myths and understand the counter facts behind them. Getting professional expertise is a valuable step if you want to surpass the competition in search ranking.
Experiment with what works best for you and use analytics to improve your website design game.
Want to Ace Your Website Design Game? Talk to Us!
At Grazitti, the web designer wizards know the secret behind creating enchanting website design. Should you want to know more, please write to us at [email protected] and our team will take it from there.
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