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      Digital Marketing & Analytics

      Best Mobile App Advertising Platforms in 2019

      Dec 13, 2018

      5 minute read

      There are over 2.2 million apps in App Store and 3.3 million applications in Google Play (October 2018). These numbers are increasing every day, making competition fiercer.

      It is recommended to create a customer acquisition strategy before you launch a new application; that involves finding a platform for marketing.

      In this blog post, we will take a look at the most effective app marketing platforms.


      It is highly recommended that you take a look at this list before diving into this hyper-competitive market, even if you already have a plan in place. Let’s take a look at the benefits that each of the platforms offers:

      Facebook Ads

      68% of adults online use Facebook, which makes it an excellent place to promote your application. You might want to use Facebook Ads because of its many business-friendly features:

      1. Targeting Options: Facebook offers a wide range of options to reach out to your target audience. You can define your audience on the basis of demographics, user behavior, and location, to name a few.

      • It is easy to handle social media advertising campaigns using Facebook Ads Manager. You can set up a campaign in a few clicks and run ads across Messenger, Instagram, and other Facebook properties.
      • You can add the Facebook pixel to your website to reach out to the right audience with products that are relevant to them.

      2. Impressive Mobile Traffic: Over 1.74 billion users access Facebook using its mobile app every day and the number keeps increasing.

      3. Powerful Analytics: Facebook doesn’t hold back reports and analytics data. You can check conversion rates and other metrics any time and make adjustments to your campaigns.

      4. Increased Brand Awareness: Since Facebook users check their newsfeed multiple times on a given day, your target audience can have repeated exposure to your brand. This continued exposure builds trust and opens opportunities for retargeting.

      5. Increasing CTR: Facebook Ads have an average CTR of 90%. With improved advertising tools in place, you can target the exact audience and present your product through different ad types.

      Google Universal App Campaigns (UAC)

      An effective marketing strategy should bring in more paying users. Google’s Universal App Campaigns (UAC) streamlines this process and makes it easier to promote your applications across Google’s properties, including Google Search, YouTube, Google Play and Google Display Network. All you need is some text, some assets, and a bid to get started.

      Let’s take a look at how you can leverage this platform to promote your product across different Google properties:

      1. Google Search: Search terms are matched with your ads. Google Ads generates the keywords to match your ads using multiple methods, like from frequently-occurring search terms in Google Play and your app’s description.

      2. YouTube: Your ads are shown during videos where they are most likely to receive clicks.

      3. Google Display Network: Your ads will appear across different applications in the Google Display Network. Google Ads optimizes your ads and displays them in places that help you get more conversions at a low cost-per-install (CPI).

      Google UAC optimizes your campaigns in three different ways:

      1. Installation Driven: Your ads are optimized to get new users.
      2. In-App Action Driven: Your ads are geared towards users who are more likely to complete in-app actions.
      3. In-App Action Value Driven: The focus remains on users who can generate more value over a specific period of time.

      Apple Search Ads

      Search Ads is a relatively new platform. But after a few months of performance monitoring, it has proven to be promising, regardless of whether you are an app-based business or planning to venture into it.

      Here are a few reasons to try Search Ads for your business today:

      1. Easy Set Up: It is an easy-to-navigate platform with a straightforward process to create campaigns. You can choose a daily cap and utilize the Pay Per ‘Tap’ model. You can select targeted keywords or select from Apple’s suggestion tool. You can also filter irrelevant traffic and have targeting options for different devices and demographics.

      2. Search Match Targeting: Apple values relevance over the amount that advertisers are willing to pay. The Search Match Targeting option allows Apple’s algorithms to choose the best keywords for the application. All this results in cheaper CPT and a good conversion volume.

      3. High Conversion Rate:The conversion rate ranges from 50% to a whopping 87.50%. Typically, 5% conversion rate is considered a good rate in the industry.

      4. Low Costs: Small developers can avail CPT for as low as 25 cents. Whereas, in some cases, users have witnessed CPT as low as 5 cents and Cost Per Install as low as 10 cents.


      Today, Snapchat has become more than just a platform to send pictures to your friends. Now, it is a way to peek into what different shows, celebrities, and businesses are doing—turning Snapchat into an effective marketing tool.

      Let’s take a look at the benefits of marketing your application via Snapchat:

      1. Better Exposure: A Snapchat user opens the app nearly 18 times a day, this means they spend approximately 25-30 minutes on the app every day. With over 158 million users, you can count on finding a relevant audience.

      2. Discover Relevant Information: Snapchat’s use has increased over time. Today, users employ the Discover feature to get updates about nearby locations or businesses they have subscribed to. With all the increasing activity, this platform is a great way to capitalize on traffic. Additionally, you can post content related to your business.

      3. Time-Limited Stories: It is an innovative feature that allows you to market in real time. Users can view a story, grab a screenshot, and share it with their friends. This is a great feature.

      4. Location Based Marketing: With Snapchat, you can interact with your followers in real time. You can encourage your followers to visit your place and post a picture using Geofilter. It is a great way of gaining visibility near a specific location.


      Twitter boasts certain unique ad targeting features that you cannot find on any other platform. Let’s take a look at the areas in which Twitter advertising can help you market your application well:

      1. Performance-Based Payment: Driving conversions is the primary objective of Twitter engagement. The best part is that you only have to pay when users take action. You can run app install campaigns or increase followers campaigns and pay only for successful installations and hits on the “Follow” button.

      2. Interesting Keyword Targeting: Want to go after a specific set of people? Twitter’s keyword targeting will help you go a long way. You can target people who have used a certain hashtag in their posts or the ones who have interacted with it in some manner. This gives you the freedom of engaging with people who are interested in your brand, rather than tweeting to the whole world.

      3. Engager Targeting: Through Engager Targeting, you can remarket your product to people who engaged or saw your tweets recently. The biggest advantage is that you can target users that promoted your tweet instead of carrying on with a non-targeted approach.

      4. Cost-per-Click: Due to the lack of advertising competition, you can get clicks for mere pennies. The pricing structure is based on what people want to pay and follows an auction structure.

      To Wrap Up

      You can go miles when it comes to application promotion. It is similar to promoting any other product and requires a lot of time and effort to find the right customer acquisition strategy. Focus on acquiring paying users with a well-defined target audience and an advertising plan.

      Want to promote your application and need experts at the helm?

      Get in touch with us. Our digital marketing team will create the best solution for your application and help you get the best ROI. For more information about our services, email us at [email protected] or visit our website.

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