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      Web Development

      Deliver Futuristic Customer Experiences With Cutting-Edge Web Development Technologies

      Dec 07, 2022

      3 minute read

      Web development is evolving at a breakneck speed. New technologies are emerging every now and then, changing the way we use the internet.

      On top of that, customer expectations continue to rise. Today, they demand hyper-personalized and connected experiences at every step of their journey.

      So, to serve them successfully, delivering a futuristic customer experience is key.

      And this requires businesses to adopt the latest web trends and technologies.

      This blog post discusses the top web development trends of 2023 that will help you modernize your business and deliver superior web experiences this year.

      Top 5 Web Development Trends for 2023

      web dev trends 2023

      1. Blockchain Technology

      Blockchain is a distributed, decentralized, and encrypted database or ledger that facilitates recording transactions and tracking assets. It stores the records also called ‘blocks’ in several databases known as ‘chains’ in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes.

      The global blockchain market is expected[i] to reach $1,431.54 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 85.9%. The blockchain offers an open-source system that makes the development process easier for web developers. This is because:

      • The blockchain system is impossible to break into as it works on consensus algorithms.
      • Data can be transferred across systems without any intermediary.
      • Data is easily accessible to users as it is stored on a network.
      • It is less prone to mistakes due to its decentralized nature.

      2. AI Chatbots

      Chatbots are the fastest-growing brand communication channel. Artificial intelligence-powered chatbots are a smarter version of regular chatbots. They use natural language processing and machine learning to understand user intent and provide a human-like experience. They can answer FAQs, take orders, and connect with the right assistant.

      AI-powered chatbots can be easily integrated into websites. They facilitate development by replacing time-consuming browsing and navigational website elements. The integration of chatbots with messengers also makes it easier to develop applications. Moreover, since they can be made available 24/7, it helps businesses streamline their customer service processes.

      3. Voice Search

      According to reports[ii], there will be around 8 billion digital voice assistants in use by 2023. It is estimated that by the coming year, these devices will be able to recognize the voices of different people and accordingly provide personalized experiences.

      Thus, optimizing websites for voice search can help businesses in numerous ways. For instance, it will help enhance the local SEO campaigns for higher website reach. It can also answer customer queries quickly, thus, saving time and increasing user engagement.

      4. Omnichannel Experience

      Users, today, use a multitude of devices‒be it a smartphone, laptop, tablet, smartwatch, IoT, or AR/VR modules to connect to the web. And they expect their user experiences to be consistent across all these touchpoints.

      They also prefer their web apps to connect and talk with each other. So, they don’t have to enter data multiple times while browsing applications.

      As a result, developing API-first responsive websites is becoming a growing trend. API-first development ensures that all the functionalities are accessible via APIs to facilitate data integration between applications. Headless technology further helps to adapt to any delivery channel, thus, creating a true omnichannel experience for users.

      5. ML-driven Personalization

      Personalization is a major trend in 2023. Reports[iii] suggest that 71% of customers expect personalized interactions from brands and 76% get frustrated when it does not happen.

      Predictive content personalization is an advanced AI-driven approach that uses machine learning to dynamically display the most relevant content to users.

      It analyzes data such as site navigation paths and view duration to detect patterns and understand user intent. Based on this analysis, the algorithms display tailored content that enhances user experience and builds brand trust.

      Web Development in 2023 and Beyond

      As discussed above, the web development space will witness many advancements in the upcoming year. So you must keep learning and embracing new technologies in your development process to stay on top of them all. This will not only help you futureproof your business but also deliver exceptional customer experiences that result in higher returns.

      web dev trends 2023

      At Grazitti, our web development team has helped many companies ranging from Fortune 500 to government agencies and mid and small-scale businesses to build and optimize robust and high-performing websites. To know more about our services, email us at [email protected] and we’ll take it from there.

      References –

      [i] Buy Bitcoin Worldwide – 79+ Blockchain Statistics, Facts, and Trends (2022)

      [ii] Statista – Number of Voice Assistants & World Population 2023

      [iii] McKinsey – The Value of Getting Personalization Right—or Wrong—Is Multiplying

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