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      Digital Marketing & Analytics

      Driving Customer Engagement With Highly-Engaging B2B Virtual Events

      Nov 18, 2020

      3 minute read

      One of the most effective ways of driving B2B customer engagement and increasing conversions is event marketing.

      Not anymore, though.

      Event marketing has gone virtual with the rolling out of nationwide lockdowns and work-from-home policies.

      In fact, there has been rapid growth in the number of organizations planning virtual events this year.

      Therefore, in this blog post, we look at the most-effective ways to boost customer reach and drive engagement with virtual events to help you make maximum impact.

      So, let’s get started!

      Driving Customer Engagement With Highly-Engaging B2B Virtual Events

      How Do I Make an Impact With Virtual Events?

      Capture Attention in a Virtual Environment

      • Make Media Available Live and On-Demand: It is unlikely that all event registrants will be part of your livestream. In fact, most will be watching on-demand. In addition to making media available live and on-demand, make sure that you engage your audience with interactive Q&As, quizzes, and polls.
      • Keep Messaging Precise: In addition to this, it is unlikely that attendees will be present for the entire duration of your live event. This highlights the importance of getting the most critical parts of your message across to your audience, first.

      Drive Event Demand and Registration

      • Encourage Attendees to Share Event Content on Social Media: It shouldn’t be a challenge to make your virtual event as engaging as an in-person one. Drive a higher conversion rate simply by encouraging attendees to share content related to your event on social networks.
      • Streamline Event Marketing: Generate shareable media content such as pull quotes and infographics for participants to share even as your event is ongoing.
      • Drive Early Registration: More registrants have been signing up for an event during the week it’s scheduled, ever since events went virtual this year. In addition to helping you increase sign-ups, providing incentives for early registration will help you plan your event better.
      • Simplify Sign-Up Using One Click Registration: Long and tedious forms are unlikely to get you the registrations you are aiming for. Incorporating ‘one-click’ into the customer experience will help you simplify the sign-up process.
      Learn more about the increasing importance of virtual events and their impact on marketing strategies, here.

      Provide Differentiated Experiences to a Global Audience

      • Develop Event Ideas That Can Be Repurposed: Think of each event as part of a broader message that you are conveying to your audience. Developing event ideas that can be repurposed and positioning them as part of the larger customer journey will also help you achieve your overall marketing goals.
      • Create Videos as Part of Event Marketing: 90% of webinars included Q&As this year. Creating pre-recorded video with a live Q&A session will enable event speakers to focus on interaction and ensure a highly-engaging virtual experience for participants.

      Here’s an instance of how a virtual event helps you boost customer reach and drive engagement.

      In August this year, Grazitti hosted the Community (re)Focus virtual summit.

      We launched an extensive content marketing campaign on social media and email to increase customer reach and drive engagement with the event.

      Social media advertising helped us increase registrations and boost engagement metrics across platforms.

      The event enabled us to build valuable relationships with panelists, speakers, sponsors, and community enthusiasts around the globe.

      In addition to this, this has given us a range of opportunities to grow in order to serve our customers better.

      Wrapping Up

      In this blog post, we looked at the most-effective ways to boost customer reach and drive engagement with virtual events to help you make maximum impact.

      With event marketing going virtual, this is the perfect opportunity to make the most of the virtual sphere.

      Capture audience attention, drive event demand and registration, and provide differentiated experiences to your prospects and customers.

      Drive Customer Engagement With Highly-Engaging Virtual Events

      At Grazitti, the digital marketing team is dedicated to helping you build an effective strategy and make an impact with virtual events.

      Start your journey today!

      Should you want to know more, simply write to us at [email protected] and we’ll take it from there.

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