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      10 Strategies to Maximize Your Black Friday Cyber Monday Profits

      Sep 26, 2023

      5 minute read

      The busiest shopping days of the year – Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) – are just around the corner.

      According to the National Retail Federation[i], holiday sales hit a record $886.7 billion last year in the US only.

      With the rising trend[ii] of online shopping and an increasing number of digital buyers, sales figures are predicted to skyrocket this year as well.

      And as an eCommerce business owner, you do not want to miss this excellent opportunity to maximize your profits.

      However, with every business competing for a piece of the holiday pie, you need to bring your A-game to get your fair share and some more.

      And preparing your online store with proven BFCM strategies can help you succeed.

      In this blog post, we will look at the top 10 Black Friday Cyber Monday sale strategies to level up your store readiness for the holiday season.

      Top 10 Strategies to Boost Black Friday Cyber Monday Sale

      black Friday 2023 strategies

      1. Build and Manage Inventory

      Running out of stock at the wrong time can cripple your chances of profit. So, you must plan your inventory well in advance to ensure a hassle-free sales experience for your customers.

      To get your holiday inventory estimates, review your last year’s sales reports and accordingly, adjust your stock. You can also use inventory management software that helps you track your inventory in real-time to keep up with the demand. Also, be ready for any last-minute order rush as it can greatly impact your revenue curve.

      2. Assess Your Site Health

      Your site will experience a huge surge in traffic during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale. This can result in downtime and a high bounce rate if your website is not prepared.

      So, it’s best to test your website’s load capabilities and speed prior to the sale. You can scan your website with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to identify any problem areas and fix them promptly.

      For a Comprehensive Health Check of Your Website, Register for a Free Website Audit.

      3. Optimize for Mobile-First Buying

      Mobile makes up about 72.9%[iii] of online sales worldwide. So, make sure your online store has a mobile-friendly layout to serve your mobile users. The site design should be clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate on smaller screen sizes.

      If you don’t have a mobile app, it’s high time to build one as it can go beyond the holiday season sales to grow your business. Moreover, don’t forget to integrate mobile wallets like Android Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal to facilitate safe and easy transactions for your mobile shoppers.

      4. Boost SEO

      It’s a no-brainer that to earn more profit, you need more traffic. And to get more traffic, you need to rank higher for BFCM searches.

      An effective way to do this is by updating your website with seasonal SEO-friendly content. But this doesn’t mean stuffing ‘Black Friday Cyber Monday 2023’ and ‘Black Friday Cyber Monday Sale’ in every paragraph of every piece of content.

      You should use only industry-relevant and quality keywords in your content (think product descriptions, image alt text, meta descriptions) naturally. In addition, you can create landing pages for targeted holiday offers to boost your SERP rankings and maximize conversion.

      5. Set Up Promotion Campaign

      Promotional marketing is crucial to boosting your holiday sales. PPC advertising, email marketing, and influencer campaigns are some of the best ways to spread the word about your Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers.

      Here are some ways to use them to drive more users and conversion for your business –

      • Run online ads to target a niche audience
      • Set up drip campaigns to nurture your prospects
      • Partner with influencers to build hype and expand reach

      6. Use Social Commerce

      According to reports[iv], 50% of consumers use social media to research new products and services. Combining eCommerce with social media is a powerful way to make people aware of your products.

      You can run interactive campaigns and special contests to create buzz around your offers. Share previews of your exclusive deals and set countdown timers to create a sense of urgency among users. Sell directly on platforms like Instagram and Facebook Shops to expand your market reach.

      7. Propose Intriguing Deals and Discounts

      People expect lucrative deals during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale. So, to attract more customers, you must offer big and exclusive discounts on your products.

      You can bundle complementary products, offer an additional discount on certain products or even offer freebies with orders above a particular amount.

      Remember, the goal is to make your visitors see what they’ll miss out on if they don’t make the most of the BFCM sale. This way you can engage more users and turn those prospects into paying customers.

      8. Segment Users and Reward Customers

      Segmentation helps you target your prospects better with tailored marketing efforts. You can segment users based on their interests and behavior and create personalized campaigns to convert them into customers.

      But Black Friday and Cyber Monday are not just about conversions and sales. It is also a great opportunity to turn your customers into brand advocates. You can offer rewards and loyalty points to your customers on every purchase and run referral programs to pull new customers.

      9. Streamline Checkout Process

      During the BFCM sale, customers are eager to buy and pressed for time. So, you need to provide them with an efficient checkout process to facilitate quick buys.

      Offering guest checkout and one-step checkout can be really effective in converting more customers. They prompt customers, specifically first-time shoppers, to buy from you.

      Also, make sure you offer multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, mobile wallets, and payment-on-delivery to serve a wider customer base and reduce cart abandonment.

      10. Plan Ahead

      During the sale season, there is fierce competition among businesses. So, you need to amp up your marketing game and tap into the psychological aspect of consumer behavior to win more customers.

      Here are some ways to plan ahead and bring your A-game –

      • Create suspense with product teasers and games to spark interest and build anticipation.
      • Add social proof and reviews to generate trust and influence customers’ purchasing decisions.
      • Offer pre-order options in case your users are already willing to buy a product.

      To Wrap Up

      Black Friday and Cyber Monday is a huge opportunity for online businesses to drive more sales and profit. And while the customer rush is short-lived, it doesn’t have to stay like it. With a well-planned nurturing plan, you can build relationships with these one-time seasonal shoppers and convert them into year-round customers.

      Need Help in Preparing Your Online Store for Black Friday Cyber Monday Sale? Get Started With a Free Expert Consultation.

      At Grazitti, our eCommerce experts have helped a wide client base ranging from Fortune 500 to non-profits and government agencies to optimize and scale up their business processes. To learn more about our services, email us at [email protected] and we’ll take it from there.

      References –

      [i] NRF – 2021 Holiday Sales Grew 14.1 Percent to Record $886.7 Billion

      [ii] E-commerce Worldwide – Statistics & Facts | Statista

      [iii] Mobile Commerce Sales in 2022 | Oberlo

      [iv] 15+ Social Media Marketing Stats for 2022 | Techjury

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