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      Elevate Customer Support With Salesforce Service Cloud Messaging for In-App and Web (MIAW)

      Dec 07, 2023

      4 minute read

      Modern customer support has undergone a significant transformation from its traditional modes, which primarily relied on phone calls and emails. Today, 41% of customers expect live chat support.[i]

      With the emergence of real-time messaging integrated into websites and mobile applications, businesses now have the chance to enhance their customer support in ways that cater to the constantly growing expectations of their customers.

      This shift in the dynamics of customer support is necessitating the adoption of innovative solutions. One of the most groundbreaking solutions in this context is the implementation of Messaging for In-App and Web (MIAW) within the Salesforce Service Cloud.

      MIAW brings a new level of responsiveness and engagement to customer support. It allows businesses to interact with their customers in real-time while they are using their websites or mobile apps. This means that customers can seek assistance and get their questions answered instantly without the need to leave the platform they are on. It’s a seamless and efficient way to address customer inquiries, issues, and requests.

      In this blog post, we’ll discover why MIAW is indispensable for organizations looking to stay ahead in the competitive market, how it can significantly benefit your business and last but not the least, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to seamlessly set it up.

      Why Modern Businesses Need Messaging for In-App and Web (MIAW)

      A research conducted by the American Marketing Association (AMA) has revealed that the implementation of live chat services can have a significant impact on various stages of the customer journey, resulting in notable improvements such as:

      • A remarkable surge in marketing awareness by as much as 29%.
      • An impressive boost of 32% in early stage sales development.
      • A substantial enhancement of 39% in post-sales customer support.


      These collective enhancements ultimately culminate in a substantial increase in overall revenue generation for businesses that leverage this technology.

      Apart from this, live support helps win customers as well!

      Customer expectations have evolved significantly in recent years. When a customer has a question or an issue, they want immediate answers. Customers prefer not to endure long waiting times on hold or go through the hassle of sending emails and waiting for responses. They want real-time, convenient, and personal interactions, and that’s where Messaging for In-App and Web (MIAW) comes into play.

      In-app messaging opens the door to an array of benefits, making it an indispensable feature for both users and customer service agents.

      It redefines user engagement and customer service by offering a more versatile, relaxed, and media-rich mode of communication. Its asynchronous nature ensures that users can maintain a conversation without being tied to their devices. As a result, it not only enhances user satisfaction but also contributes to more effective and convenient customer support interactions.

      The Versatility of In-App Messaging: Why It Matters?

      Media Exchange: In-app messaging transcends simple text-based conversations. It empowers users and customer service agents to exchange a rich variety of media, from photos to voice messages and even the expressive language of emojis. This feature enhances the quality of communication, making it more vivid and engaging.

      Asynchronous Communication: One distinctive advantage of in-app messaging lies in its asynchronous nature. Unlike live chat, where users must remain actively connected while awaiting a response, in-app messaging liberates individuals from this constraint. Users are promptly notified of new messages and the entire conversation history is preserved. This feature streamlines the customer service experience by ensuring that customers need not be tethered to their screens while awaiting replies. They can continue with other tasks, confident that they won’t miss any updates.

      What is Messaging for In-App and Web in Service Cloud?

      Messaging for In-App and Web is a feature within Salesforce Service Cloud that enables real-time, two-way communication between businesses and their customers through digital messaging channels embedded within websites and mobile applications. It offers a multitude of advantages.

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      How to Set Up Messaging for In-App and Web:

      Setting up Messaging for In-App and Web in Salesforce Service Cloud involves several steps to ensure a seamless implementation. Here’s an elaboration on each step:

      1. Design Your Messaging for In-App and Web Experience

      • Define Support Goals: Clearly outline your support objectives and identify which digital messaging channels you want to use (web chat, SMS, WhatsApp, etc.).
      • User Experience Design: Create an engaging and consistent user experience for your customers. This may include chatbot integration and personalized messaging.

      2. Enable Messaging for In-App and Web

      • Configuration: Configure your Salesforce Service Cloud to support the messaging channels you’ve chosen. This includes setting up the platform to handle web chat, SMS, or other messaging apps.
      • Integration: Ensure that Messaging for In-App and Web is seamlessly integrated with your existing systems such as your CRM, customer database, and other tools. This integration will help provide a holistic view of customer interactions.

      3. Test Your Messaging for In-App and Web Implementation

      • Functional Testing: Ensure that all aspects of the system work smoothly, from automated responses to routing customer inquiries to the appropriate agents.
      • User Testing: Test the system from the perspective of both your support agents and your customers. Ensure that the interface is user-friendly and that the support team is proficient in using the platform.

      4. Introduce Messaging for In-App and Web to Your Customers

      • Customer Communication: Let your customers know about the availability of this new support channel. This can be done through announcements on your website, in your mobile app, or through other communication channels.
      • Training: Provide training to your support team on how to use the platform effectively. Make sure they understand the features and can provide efficient support through the new system.

      Implementing Messaging for In-App and Web requires careful planning, testing, and communication with both customers and your support team. When executed effectively, it can revolutionize your customer support operations, improve customer satisfaction, and provide valuable insights into your customer interactions.

      The Bottom Line

      In today’s digital age, providing a superior customer support experience is paramount for business success. Messaging for In-App and Web in Salesforce Service Cloud is a solution that empowers you to meet modern customer expectations, streamline your operations, and gather valuable insights. By implementing this feature, you can deliver the level of support that keeps your customers coming back and that’s a distinct advantage in a competitive business landscape.

      Want to Get Started With Messaging for In-App and Web? Talk to Us!

      If you’re ready to take your customer support to the next level with In-App Messaging, we’re here to guide you. Reach out to us at [email protected], and our experts will provide you with valuable insights on how you can transform your support processes, and boost customer satisfaction with In-App Messaging.

      Statistics References:

      [i] HelpScout
      [ii] Superoffice

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