Every successful business today is a tree grown from a seed named ‘idea’. The greatest of today’s technologies and software are the products of great ideas. Thus, we assume you understand the importance of ideas.
Technology has made it possible for businesses now to provide a platform to their customers to share their feedback and ideas with them. That’s why online communities are increasingly becoming customary amongst businesses worldwide.
If you have your online community on Salesforce Community Cloud or are planning to deploy it in your organization, you must optimize it to its full extent. Ideas is one such component that helps brands optimize their community and become more customer-centric.
Following are the ways in which the Ideas component enhances the value and functioning of a Salesforce-powered community:
- Customers, partners, and employees can directly share and post their ideas on your online community.
- Users can subscribe to favorite ideas, vote and comment on ideas, and filter ideas by category, status, and more.
Benefits of Enabling Ideas in Your Community
1. Better Engagement
When you enable your customers to post and comment on ideas, you are prompting users to engage more to share their ideas. This also gives users a sense that their ideas are being taken into consideration by your business.

2. Rapid Innovation and Ideation
When customer, partner, and employee ideas pour into your community, it helps with brainstorming and implementing upgrades in products or services. This not only helps you to understand customer psychology but also brings enough room to experiment and analyze the responses of people towards the products/services.
3. Better Brand Loyalty and Transparency
Once your users know that their feedback and ideas are being taken into consideration, the chances of them becoming loyal to your business increase.
Ideas Component in Lightning
The ideas component is not yet Lightning-compliant, leaving many Lightning Salesforce users tossing between Classic and LEX. While this is a major hurdle in accessing Ideas, Salesforce hasn’t provided a workaround for it yet, unfortunately. Also, managing ideas in Salesforce is quite a complex process.
Challenges in Managing Ideas
Not only this, ideas management can be tedious at times with multiple users posting ideas, commenting, and subscribing. And since it is about crowdsourcing, it’s hard to keep your community clean, which makes it difficult to find relevant ideas.
Furthermore, it is challenging to slice and dice data, due to which community and product managers can often encounter difficulty selecting and shortlisting the right ideas. Also, further escalating the ideas for development and beyond is also a tall order.
Is There a Solution?
Yes, there is! Grazitti’s IdeasPro not just allows you to access ideas in Lightning Experience but also enables you to manage those ideas effectively. Powered with 20+ out-of-the-box features, IdeasPro is the most advanced, comprehensive ideation solution to fuel growth and business values. The features that it provides include:
1. Idea Account Mapping
2. Profanity Prevention
3. Idea Category Subscription
4. Multiple Attachment on Ideas
5. Votes Threshold
And a lot more.
Want to know more about IdeasPro or talk about more things Salesforce? Visit here.