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      Revolutionizing Interactions and Boosting Engagement With Marketo Engage Dynamic Chat

      May 21, 2024

      6 minute read

      Customer expectations are constantly evolving.

      They demand instant, personalized interactions at every touchpoint, demanding businesses to adapt to their evolving needs.

      This is where AI chatbots, such as Marketo Engage’s Dynamic Chat, step in.

      By facilitating intelligent conversations and personalized experiences for each visitor, Marketo Engage’s Dynamic Chat equips businesses to:

      • Engage with customers round the clock
      • Target high-value leads with tailored information
      • Address complex inquiries instantly through a qualified AI assistant

      Dynamic Chat, a native conversational engagement channel, allows buyers to self-serve and self-qualify. Integrated directly into Adobe Marketo Engage and powered by Adobe Sensei GenAI, Dynamic Chat accelerates the movement of buyers into the sales funnel.

      In this blog post, we will delve into how Marketo Engage’s Dynamic Chat is empowering B2B businesses to thrive in today’s customer-centric landscape.

      All About Adobe Marketo Engage Dynamic Chat: Key Features, Modules & Implementation

      Dynamic Chat is a robust chatbot solution that empowers businesses to create personalized experiences for each online visitor.

      With Dynamic Chat, you can utilize an intuitive interface to target individuals and accounts exploring your website and gather relevant information such as names, contact details, and open-ended responses.

      Additionally, site visitors have the option to engage with a live agent and schedule meetings with your sales team. Furthermore, the activity and engagement data captured by Dynamic Chat can be leveraged to enroll members in Marketo programs and initiate cross-channel campaigns.

      Now, let’s take a look at Dynamic Chat’s key features.

      • Kickstart your chat experience with three pre-designed playbooks targeting main chat use cases.
      • Enable seamless transition from Marketing to Sales by allowing web visitors to schedule meetings with Sales reps directly from the chat, integrated with Gmail and Outlook calendars.
      • Deploy chats based on detailed lead and account attributes, integrating chat into cross-channel lead and account-based marketing strategies effectively.
      • Track success at every chat dialogue step to understand visitor behavior and trigger cross-channel activities.
      • Utilize round-robin lead routing logic for equitable distribution of appointment bookings across the Sales team.
      • Gain quick insights into conversation triggers, interaction rates, completion rates, and more via an interactive dashboard detailing booked and upcoming meetings.
      Adobe Marketo Engage Dynamic Chat in Action


      Let’s take a look at the modules present in Dynamic Chat.

      #1: Dialogues

      A Dialogue encapsulates a single chat interaction, serving as a comprehensive tool for fostering engaging conversations with visitors on your website. Within each Dialogue, you have the flexibility to determine the specific page(s) where it should be displayed, the intended audience, and the content and structure of the interaction. Furthermore, you can access metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your Dialogue.

      #2: Meetings

      This module provides comprehensive details about meetings scheduled by visitors with your sales or marketing representatives. It includes the agent’s name, the meeting’s status, tentative date, dialogue leading to the meeting, and creation date and time.

      #3: Calendar

      This module enables Dynamic Chat users from sales and marketing teams to integrate their Microsoft Outlook and Google calendars. When a visitor requests a meeting, Marketo fetches the agent’s available time slots and displays them.

      #4: Routing

      Dynamic Chat offers multi-user availability, allowing multiple sales and marketing personnel to integrate their calendars with the Adobe chatbot. The Routing module manages the order of displaying sales representatives’ calendars to visitors and allows customization of routing rules. Dynamic Chat then presents these calendars in a round-robin fashion when a user requests the meeting widget.

      #5: Configuration

      Customizing the AI chatbot to align with your brand identity is effortless with the configuration module. You can adjust colors, fonts, font sizes, chatbot name, avatar (or upload a custom one), and privacy policy settings. Additionally, the configuration module facilitates Dynamic Chat’s installation with a JavaScript snippet to be copied and pasted onto your webpage.

      #6: Integration

      Adobe Marketo seamlessly integrates with Dynamic Chat. Upon visiting this module for the first time, you’ll be prompted to enable the sync. Once enabled, leads captured via Dynamic Chat are pushed to Marketo in near real-time, and vice versa. The sync typically takes about 24 hours to complete, after which you can publish dialogues, enabling personalized conversations with your chatbot visitors.

      Setting Up & Installing

      To set up and install Dynamic Chat in your Adobe Marketo instance, follow these streamlined steps:

      • Initiate sync from the Integrations module to connect Dynamic Chat with your Marketo instance. Choose up to 50 native and custom fields for synchronization.
      • Customize the chatbot’s appearance to align with your brand by accessing the Configuration > Style section.
      • Insert the provided JS script snippet into the HTML code of the web pages where you wish to deploy the chatbot. You can find this snippet in the Configuration > Installation section.
      • For Marketo-hosted landing pages, seamlessly integrate the chatbot by adding the JS script to Landing Page Actions > Edit Page Meta Tags > Custom Head HTML.

      Complete the setup by designing your Dialogue, tailoring it to your specific needs and preferences.

      Top Reasons to Use Marketo Engage Dynamic Chat

      Marketo Dynamic Chat offers a versatile toolbox for marketers and sales teams to enhance website interactions. Here are the top reasons why you should use it.

      Reasons to Use Marketo Engage Dynamic Chat

      Accelerating Nurturing and Sales Cycles

      Dynamic Chat has become instrumental in speeding up nurturing and sales cycles by facilitating personalized conversations, enabling:

      • Real-Time Engagement: Dynamic Chat enables you to provide instant responses and relevant information to customers, speeding up their decision-making.
      • Guided Journeys: With Dynamic Chat, you can deliver personalized guidance to your customers through the sales process, making navigation smoother and tailored to their needs.
      • Efficient Closure: You can book sales meetings, address queries, and provide solutions in real time with Dynamic Chat, resulting in faster deal closures.

      Revitalizing the Top of the Funnel

      Dynamic Chat helps to engage potential customers on the top of the funnel, enhancing overall marketing strategies through:

      • Personalized Greetings: Customized greetings make a strong impression and lay the groundwork for meaningful interactions, contributing to building a positive brand image as engagement progresses.
      • Behavioral Tailoring: Messages are fine-tuned to match visitor behavior, ensuring that communication resonates with individual needs and interests.
      • Interactive Support: Delivering immediate assistance and information right from the start guides visitors effectively, setting the stage for a smooth journey ahead.

      Facilitating Cost-Effective Acquisition

      Dynamic Chat significantly reduces the cost of acquisition, optimizing resource allocation through:

      • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlining lead generation and conversion processes maximizes output with minimal resources.
      • Resource Allocation: Prioritizing personalized interactions optimizes resource utilization, leading to a higher return on investment.
      • Improved ROI: Efficient resource management results in an increased return on investment, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing and sales efforts.

      Personalizing Engagements and Intent Detection

      Dynamic Chat excels in identifying explicit intent and interests, revolutionizing personalization and engagement strategies:

      • Intent Identification: Understanding buyers’ intent and interests through chat interactions revolutionizes engagement approaches.
      • Cross-Channel Retargeting: Insights from Dynamic Chat enable retargeting across various channels, ensuring consistent and personalized experiences.
      • Heightened Relevance: Prioritizing personalization enhances message relevance, driving overall engagement levels.

      Leveraging Insights Across Platforms

      Dynamic Chat serves as a valuable source of insights, enhancing decision-making processes across multiple platforms:

      • Comprehensive Understanding: Extracting insights about leads and prospects through Dynamic Chat helps make strategic decisions.
      • Marketo Integration: Seamless integration with Marketo refines marketing strategies using insights derived from chat interactions.
      • CRM Optimization: Enriching CRM with Dynamic Chat insights provides a holistic view of customer interactions and behaviors.
      • Empowering Sales Teams: Integration with Marketo Sales Insight (MSI) equips sales teams with actionable insights, transforming customer interactions.


      Dynamic Chat is undoubtedly a standout tool for conversational marketing, offering more than meets the eye. Beyond gathering essential lead information, it opens up a realm of possibilities. With Dynamic Chat, you can seamlessly execute cross-channel strategies across various platforms like paid ads, websites, social media, and emails, targeting specific leads and accounts.

      Furthermore, Dynamic Chat allows for updating lead scores, routing leads based on interactions, and setting up trigger campaigns based on chat history, all within the Marketo Engage platform.

      Marketo, under Adobe’s umbrella, offers a comprehensive suite of ROI-driven functionalities that automate, accelerate, and deliver hyper-personalized omnichannel experiences.

      As a seasoned Adobe Silver Partner, Grazitti Interactive boasts extensive experience with the Marketo platform.

      Our team of Marketo Engage experts is committed to supporting you at every stage of your marketing endeavors. Let’s talk!

      Whether you seek guidance on implementing Dynamic Chat effectively or optimizing its impact, we’re here to help.

      Just drop us a line at [email protected], and we’ll take it from there!

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