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      7 Features to Look for in a Digital Adoption Platform

      Dec 28, 2022

      4 minute read

      “Action and adaptability create opportunity.”Garrison Wynn

      In the age of rapidly evolving technology, organizations have started to invest heavily into new technologies.

      It’s the era of digital transformation and only the businesses that are capable of adapting to new technology can truly succeed.

      However, there are a few snags that might come your way that include:

      • People’s resistance to embrace change
      • Technical barriers
      • Lack of resources for technical training

      So, it’s important to overcome them with effective digital adoption strategies. Thanks to digital adoption platforms that make user onboarding on a new technology, a breeze.

      In this blog post, we will take a look at the challenges that might come your way in your digital adoption journey, the strategies that can help you overcome it, and what you must look for in a digital adoption platform.

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      The Challenges in Digital Adoption

      Implementing a successful digital adoption strategy is no easy feat and certain roadblocks may arise. Let’s take a look at some of the obstructions in the way of a successful digital adoption process-

      • Training Users On New Technologies and Software Systems

      This consumes a lot of time and can be quite expensive especially when it comes to training multiple users. You need to gather a lot of resources and figure out what works best for them. Also, the time trainees spend on training is the time they are not doing their job, which is indirectly an added cost to the company.

      • Onboarding Users On a New Platform

      User onboarding is a challenge. Most of the organizations roll-out a new technology but when it comes to onboarding users, it is quite a difficult task. This happens because of the unfamiliarity of users with a new platform which makes this process time-consuming.

      • Tracking and Analyzing Digital Adoption Efforts

      Measuring, tracking, and analyzing your digital adoption efforts is a challenge. You need to know how much progress the users are making and how well new technology is getting utilized.

      Key Strategies to Amplify Digital Adoption

      A new technology is only as good as the users’ ability to make its optimal use.

      A comprehensive digital adoption strategy is the perfect recipe for your digital transformation efforts to succeed.

      Let’s take a look at some of the facets of a successful digital adoption strategy that can help you make the most out of your digital transformation initiatives –

      • By Encouraging Users to Adapt to Change

      Digital adoption is difficult if your users are not familiar with the convolutions involved. One of the key reasons why organizations cannot implement digital transformation is their employee’s reluctance to change. You must upskill new employees and eliminate their reluctance to embrace change by making learning a smooth process.

      • By Providing In-app Training Material

      In-app training materials are an absolute necessity if you want to make your digital transformation efforts successful. When users get on-screen, in-app guidance for a new software/digital tool, they are likely to get hands-on with it faster.

      • By Measuring Digital Adoption

      You need to analyze users’ progress with a dedicated reporting system and leverage analytics to notice what is working and what is not to optimize your digital adoption efforts.

      Implementing a Digital Adoption Solution to Accelerate User Adoption

      A digital adoption solution helps you to facilitate a smooth learning process for users to optimize the use of new technology.

      It is a software layered on top of another software that helps you achieve effective employee training.

      Digital adoption platforms come with analytics that ensure employee productivity hits the ceiling and make navigation on a new software system a delight for users.

      Implementing a digital adoption solution enables you to onboard users and train employees effectively to accelerate your digital transformation efforts.

      They provide you with no-code tools that help in creating in-app content to provide a contextual user onboarding experience.

      Checklist to Follow to Get The Most Effective Digital Adoption Solution

      Let’s take a look at some of the factors to look for in a digital adoption solution-

      • Analytics Capabilities

      While looking for a digital adoption platform, you need to ensure that the solution offers you top analytics capabilities. Tracking your user’s behavior and employee efficiency is the key for your digital transformation efforts to succeed.

      • High Degree of Self-Sufficiency

      The digital adoption solution must offer this so that you do not need to be dependent too much on the vendor for support. In-app searchable knowledge base and video tutorials enable you to handle complex issues without relying on a professional service team for assistance.

      • Task Automation

      In order to make things simpler for users, the digital adoption platform must have task automation capabilities. It must complete certain tasks automatically and eliminate empty clicks. This can speed up business processes and make users more productive.

      • Flexible Installation

      If your target application is SaaS, you must ensure that the overlay is installed and is simple from the end user’s perspective. For “on premise” target applications, you must check the deployment options.

      • Code Free System

      You must ensure that in order to solve detailed use cases, you do not need to code or be a technician. The platform must enable you to handle the complex situations without coding.

      • Multi-Language and Translation Support

      Before opting for a digital adoption platform, you must ensure that it allows you to deliver guidance in multiple languages.

      • Availability of a Plugin Architecture

      If you wish to extend the digital adoption platform with dynamic content, you should ensure that a plugIn architecture is available.

      Enabling Effective Digital Adoption in Salesforce-powered Communities

      A digital adoption platform is what you need if you are looking to overcome the challenges of implementing an effective digital adoption strategy.

      And in the Salesforce Experience Cloud, you may have a feature-rich community but is it any good if your community members don’t know their way around it?

      The importance of guided walkthroughs on Salesforce-powered communities cannot be understated.

      Salesforce-certified jedis at Grazitti Interactive understand how important it is to enable users to adapt to a new technology efficiently for enhanced engagement and productivity.

      Therefore, they have come up with GuideIn – A digital adoption platform that enables you to seamlessly onboard users on your Salesforce-powered community with guided walkthroughs.

      It enables you to-

      • Onboard Users: Accelerate user adoption with personalized guidance and embedded learn-by-doing techniques.
      • Train Employees: Effectively train your employees with personalized onboarding and with minimized manual effort.
      • Broadcast Changes: Deploy tours to broadcast changes in your Salesforce-powered community. Make announcements, conduct surveys, send reminders, and more – directly.

      Want to Enhance Your Digital Transformation Efforts? Let’s Talk!

      If you wish to know more about our digital adoption platform GuideIn for Salesforce-powered communities, just book a demo!

      And if you have more questions, just feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] and we will take it from there.

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