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      Alteryx Connectors

      How to Build Scalable Omni-Channel Marketing Analytics

      Aug 08, 2017

      2 minute read

      In a recent webinar–Driving Omni-Channel Analytics with Alteryx–we had Scott Trauthen from Alteryx, Jason Antony from TRI Pointe Group, and Sandeep Saini from Grazitti Interactive talk about how businesses can build scalable omni-channel marketing analytics by leveraging connectors through Alteryx.

      In the webinar the trio discussed:

      • The importance of omni-channel analytics
      • How businesses can expand their data reach
      • And how they can scale their marketing analytics

      With over two hundred attendees, the webinar helped analysts and marketers understand how they can make the most from their data.

      Let’s take a look at these three fundamentals of building scalable omni-channel marketing analytics:

      Importance of Omni-Channel Analytics

      With multiple channels, it’s imperative to have a 360°view of the customer’s journey. This enables you to gain insights across all channels for effective decision making. The good old days of ‘If you build it, they will come’ are long gone. These days, you need to connect with your prospects across those multiple channels using a coherent story.

      Omni-channel analytics empowers businesses to:

      • Understand their customers
      • Engage with them across the right channels and right cadence
      • Predict their inclination towards specific behaviors
      • Personalize offers and product recommendations

      By uncovering actionable intelligence and synthesizing data from disparate sources, omni-channel analytics empowers marketers to be in the driving seat.

      Expanding Your Data Reach Using Connectors

      This brings us to a peculiar challenge that businesses face–How do you expand your data reach in order to build scalable omni-channel analytics?

      This is where Alteryx comes in. A leading platform for self-service data analytics, Alteryx provides analysts with the ability to prep, blend, and analyze data using a repeatable workflow. Along with this, the platform has a number of out-of-the-box connectors that let you fetch data from different sources.

      But with the stratospheric growth of the marketing tech landscape, it’s impossible to keep up with the pace at which new data sources are getting created.

      As an Alteryx Preferred Partner, Grazitti has built a number of connectors for online advertising, social media, social marketing, databases etc. that allow users to read and write-back data from different platforms.

      Alteryx connectors by Grazitti

      Scaling Marketing Analytics

      After gaining access to actionable data, the next step is to scale your marketing analytics. By employing descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, you can create a unified view of your prospects. Though scaling your analytics is an ongoing journey.

      Take a look at how this fits together:
      Omni-channel marketing analytics However, it’s not necessarily a linear path that takes you from one end to the other. As new technologies, channels, touchpoints etc. keep on getting added, the road keeps on winding.

      Driving Omni-Channel Analytics with Alteryx – Watch the Webinar

      Watch the complete webinar recording to learn how you can build scalable omni-channel marketing analytics by leveraging connectors for Alteryx, and take a look at a successful use case as well.

      Please get in touch with experts @ Grazitti to access your journey

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