So you planned well for your B2B video, wrote a script, and edited it to make it look visually attractive. After all this hard work, it didn’t perform well and that is enough to give you a lump in your throat.
However, gaining maximum views on B2B videos is the “crux of the matter” as it requires your video to have compelling content, creativity, strategy, and targeting the right audience. And in the B2B era, it is really hard to lure the audience. Here are 5 ways to drive the number of views on your video:
1. Determine your target audience:

If your video isn’t getting enough views then there is a possibility that you might not be targeting the right audience. Before you attempt to make your video viral, do some homework on determining the right target audience and identifying the correct personas. Get your content personified in the video which will transfer the real meaning and message to your audience.
Let’s suppose you’re going to showcase your lead deduping app through a video. First, you need to identify your persona. For a lead deduping app, the right personas will be folks in the sales and marketing departments. Reach out to the sales and marketing teams and make them aware of your amazing product.
2. Use a killer caption for social media engagement:

There is no second thought that social media can act as a driver for B2B videos going viral. While you upload your B2B video, the post content could start with a fact or an interesting quote, but not “check out our new video”, because nobody, in the B2B market, is interested or waiting for your new video.
Taking the above example of a lead deduping app, if you’re going to write a caption as “check out our new app…” or something starting on these lines, nobody is going to be interested in your video, instead you can start with a fact or a quote that stimulates the interest of the reader.
3. Let your script tell a story that connects with your audience:

Try showcasing a customer case study in your video that possesses an ability to connect with your target audience. The case study should be such that it starts with a problem to processes and procedures and ends with a solution that proved to be successful for the customer.
What is the current scenario in the target market environment, the challenges (prospecting duplicate leads), the impacts (lost leads), the solution( lead deduping app) and the result (better sales and marketing), or you can also visualize a customer case study showcasing how they approached, problems they had and how you helped them.
4. Cover it in a blog:

82% of marketers who blog on a daily basis acquired at least one customer from it. So, if you want to share your ideas, inform your audience about your new product, talk about industry affairs by blogging it up with a title that is simple yet clever enough to attract one’s attention.
When I say it’s a lead deduping app, it means it revolves around lead data so you can write a blog which covers the challenges faced by sales and marketing teams, perks of having a deduplicated lead data or the facts stating the costs which you suffer due to bad data.
5. Cross promotion works:

Cross promotion has proved to be the simplest and an under-the-budget promotional method. If you deal in more than one product or service, you can cross promote your video with your clients who would find the video useful. Another option is that you can ask your happy clients to share your video across social media on their own accounts which would add a better credibility to your brand.
If your organization is also dealing in a service or a product other than the lead deduping app, you can also make your respective sales representatives cross promote your app by just sharing the video which can pass on the necessary information needed for the app.
Want to take your video marketing game up a notch?